Thursday, June 30, 2022

New Denturist Office Opens Serving Greater Tri-Cities Area

Apex Denture Studio

Apex Dentures Studio Business Logo

Apex Dentures Launches Second Office in Central Washington

I became a Denturist to improve the diminishing standards & patient care denture wearers receive in relation to other dental services by offering a better approach to fabrication & patient experiences”
— Jason Alsbury

RICHLAND, WA, UNITED STATES, June 29, 2022 / -- Apex Dentures is proud to announce the opening of its second office in Richland,


Barriers at Hoopfest

Barriers at Hoopfest

Hoopfest Court

Hoopfest Court


The crowd’s safety is our biggest concern. The measures in place before, with the garbage trucks, just looked bad and this year we chose to use the barriers from Meridian instead.”
— Riley Stockton, Hoopfest Executive Director

SPOKANE, WA, US, June 29, 2022 / -- It takes a lot to run the world’s largest 3-on-3 basketball tournament and at the same time keep the hundreds of thousands of fans and players safe. This year for the first time, event organizers worked with Meridian Rapid Defense Group to put together a barrier rental plan to ensure it all went smoothly.

New Employment Connections Platform Launched by Global Mentorship Initiative

Connecting students with careers


Connecting First Generation College Students and Refugee Learners with Life Changing Job Opportunities

Our mission is to create an ecosystem of opportunity through mentorship. This new recruitment service allows corporate partners to share open positions with program graduates.”
— Jon Browning, GMI CEO

BELLEVUE, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 29, 2022 / -- Global Mentorship Initiative (GMI) has launched a unique software platform that connects graduating college students from underserved communities with job opportunities in their fields of study. This platform is accessible by students who

Commerce adds leaders for small business support and creative economy sector development

OLYMPIA, WA — Washington State Department of Commerce Director Lisa Brown recently announced two new appointments to key leadership roles in the growing agency’s Office of Economic Development and Competitiveness. In a new industry sector lead position, Shannon Halberstadt came on board June 1 as Director of Creative Economy sector development. Expanding and

Kleinschmidt Awarded Hood Canal Bridge Fish Passage Project with Long Live the Kings

Hood Canal Bridge

Fish Behavior Study at the Hood Canal Floating Bridge

Although this is still in the assessment and testing phase, the project has the potential to make a huge impact in the region in the future.”
— Brad Johnson, P.E., S.E., Project Manager with Kleinschmidt

VANCOUVER, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 29, 2022 / -- Kleinschmidt Associates, an engineering, regulatory, and environmental consulting firm, has been selected by Long Live the Kings (LLTK) to provide engineering services as part of the Hood Canal Bridge Fish

Fecal Matters: Richey Viewpoint is open for water recreation, King County

green sign on beach stating that it is safe to contact the water.

On June 29, 2022 Public Health Seattle & King County lifted the advisory at Richey Viewpoint beach in King County. The park is now open for water contact recreation. Water sample results now show there is no longer a public health risk.

Contact with fecal-contaminated waters can result in gastroenteritis, skin rashes, upper respiratory infections, and other illnesses. Children and those who are immunocompromised may be more vulnerable to waterborne illnesses. We recommend showering after swimming and washing hands before eating if you’ve been in contact with the water or sand.

Stay updated on water quality at local beaches by checking the BEACH Program swimming map, following our Fecal Matters blog posts, connecting on Facebook, or joining our email notification list.

Local Health Departments issue water contact advisories or closures at swimming beaches. The BEACH Program communicates the risk to the public.

For more information

Heather Gibbs, our BEACH program manager, is available at 360-480-4868 or for questions or contact the local health department.

Wednesday, June 22, 2022

Rivial Data Security Announces Newest Integration with Black Kite

Rivial Data Security

Powering Next-Level Cybersecurity with Security Management Orchestration™

The Rivial Platform expands its vendor risk management capabilities with a native Black Kite integration.

Rivial is thrilled to partner with Black Kite to bring our SMO Platform users an even more seamless cybersecurity management experience.”
— Randy Lindberg

CHENEY, WA, UNITED STATES, June 21, 2022 / -- Rival Data Security, pioneer of the Security Management Orchestration™(SMO) space, announces a brand new integration for the Rivial Platform with Black Kite to assist with performing Vendor Security Reviews and Risk Assessments on outsourced systems and security controls.

Rival Data Security released the Rivial Platform, the world's first SMO

Pacific Woodtech (PWT) Acquires Louisiana-Pacific Corporation's EWP (I-Joist and LVL) Division

Pacific Woodtech Acquires Louisiana-Pacific Corporation's EWP (I-Joist and LVL) Division

BURLINGTON, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 21, 2022 / -- Burlington, Washington - June 21, 2022 – Burlington, Washington-based Pacific Woodtech is excited to announce the acquisition of the prestigious Louisiana-Pacific Corporation’s EWP (I-Joist and LVL) division. The acquisition includes LP’s laminated veneer lumber and I-Joist manufacturing facilities in Wilmington, North Carolina; Red Bluff, California; and Golden, British Columbia, associated timber license assets, and the SolidStart® brand.
The two companies have worked diligently to establish contract terms that

MontyCloud Adds New Features that Save Costs and Accelerate Rapid Innovation in the Cloud

MontyCloud Day2 Logo

MontyCloud Chart

MontyCloud announced new features that reduce cloud spending today and accelerate innovation in the Cloud.

With this new release, MontyCloud further delivers on our vision of empowering IT teams to become cloud powerhouses…”
— Walter Rogers, CEO MontyCloud

REDMOND, WA, UNITED STATES, June 22, 2022 / -- MontyCloud, an Advanced Technology Partner in the Amazon Web Services (AWS) Partner Network (APN), announced today that they have added new features that reduce cloud spending and accelerate innovation in the Cloud. MontyCloud DAY2™ empowers IT teams to enable their R&D users across projects to consume cloud services safely, while providing centralized

Alpha-gal Syndrome, Otherwise Known as Tick Bite Meat Allergy, an Emerging Epidemic in the Unites States

tick bite prevention tips

Equip-4-Ticks Resource Center

Equip-4-Ticks Resource Center and AGI Alpha-Gal Information offer expert tips and educational content to help the public stay protected from ticks.

SEATTLE, WA, UNITED STATES , June 21, 2022 / -- Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), also commonly referred to as alpha-gal allergy, red meat allergy, or tick bite meat allergy, is a serious, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It is an increasing epidemic, and the lack of widespread public awareness is

Tuesday, June 21, 2022


Hyper Effects

Hyper Effects

Hyper Effects helps to create a plan that will increase the value of business and therefore get business the highest possible return from the investment.

POULSBO, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 21, 2022 / -- A strategic analysis is an essential part of any company’s success story. But it’s simply not enough to refer to data and charts to make a

Hyper Effects Launches Free Business Consultation for Everyone

Hyper Effects works with business owners with 10 to 100 employees to help them grow their business, move with confidence and make quicker decisions.

PORT ORCHARD, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 21, 2022 / -- Hyper Effects works with business owners with 10 to 100 employees to help them grow their business, move with confidence and make quicker decisions. They help clients strengthen the four pillars of their business – Purpose, People, Process, and Performance Measures – providing them with a firm foundation on which to grow.

By working alongside business owners to help them focus on their purpose, priorities

"No Drill" RV Skirting Innovation, featuring 3M™ technology. -Now RV owners can save thousands when winterizing their RV

"No-Drill" RV Skirting system. Fits all makes and models of RVs. Motorhomes, 5th Wheels, travel trailers and airstreams.

"No-Drill" RV Skirting system. Fits all makes and models of RVs. Motorhomes, 5th Wheels, travel trailers and airstreams.

Best Selling RV Skirting in North America

Best Selling RV Skirting in North America

Universal Fit RV Skirting Kits, fits 5th Wheels, Travel Trailers, Motorhomes and airstreams

Universal Fit RV Skirting Kits, fits 5th Wheels, Travel Trailers, Motorhomes and airstreams

This innovative EZ Snap® RV Skirting kit allows every RV owner to install their own RV Skirting using EZ Snap’s "No Drill" fastener system.

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 20, 2022 / -- The RV Skirting comes in a kit and its universal fit works with any size or type of RV, regardless of the make or model. The popular " No Drill" fastener system uses extreme hold 3M® adhesive that holds on in all weather extremes, from 50 below to 50 above.

The EZ Snap Skirting kit allows RV owners to use their own labor to fit and install

Agency Mania Solutions Listed in Top 5 MarTech Companies to Watch 2022

Agency Mania Solutions, a top-rated industry pioneer offering custom agency management solutions hits the top 5 MarTech list

BELLEVUE, WA, UNITED STATES, June 21, 2022 / -- The Silicon Review named Agency Mania Solutions (AMS) in their June issue, 5 Best MarTech Companies to Watch. From startups to consortiums, the magazine recognizes top innovative enterprise solutions and their leaders, building awareness with technology decision makers all around the U.S.

The magazine’s article introduces AMS as a global leader in what they call “Partnership

Read The Life Story Of A Special Mother To A Very Special Child In Tapestries Of My Heart

Tapestries Of My Heart By Ginny Garrity

WASHINGTON, USA, June 21, 2022 / -- Ginny Garrity’s memoir, Tapestries Of My Heart, is available on AmazonBarnes & Noble, or Goodreads. The book explains the adoption process and tells the inspiring story of how Ginny was able to adopt a special needs child, a lifelong dream of hers, and gave birth to a son at the age of 40.

Written to help parents who may be in

Alpha-gal Syndrome, Otherwise Known as Tick Bite Meat Allergy, an Emerging Epidemic in the Unites States

tick bite prevention tips

Equip-4-Ticks Resource Center

Equip-4-Ticks Resource Center and AGI Alpha-Gal Information offer expert tips and educational content to help the public stay protected from ticks.

SEATTLE, WA, UNITED STATES , June 21, 2022 / -- Alpha-gal syndrome (AGS), also commonly referred to as alpha-gal allergy, red meat allergy, or tick bite meat allergy, is a serious, potentially life-threatening allergic reaction. It is an increasing epidemic, and the lack of widespread public awareness is causing delayed diagnosis and misdiagnosis.

According to Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, (CDC), growing evidence

Monday, June 20, 2022

Jihee Ahn Named One of Law360’s Rising Stars of 2022

Harris Bricken attorney Jihee Ahn was one of five attorneys named in the International Arbitration category, and one of only 176 attorneys honored nationwide.

SEATTLE, WA, U.S.A., June 20, 2022 / -- Harris Bricken attorney Jihee Ahn has been named one of Law360’s Rising Stars of 2022. Jihee was one of five attorneys named in the International Arbitration category,

Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup finds Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are safe and effective for children as young as 6 months old

The Western States Scientific Safety Review Workgroup today completed its review of the federal process and has unanimously concluded that the Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna vaccines are safe and effective for children as young as 6 months old. The Workgroup provided its confirmation to the governors of Washington, California, Nevada and Oregon this afternoon.

The Moderna two-dose vaccine series and the Pfizer three-dose vaccine series

Friday, June 17, 2022

CarepathRx Recognized by Modern Healthcare as One of the Best Places to Work in 2022



CarepathRx has been selected by Modern Healthcare as one of the 2022 Best Places to Work in Healthcare

CarepathRx has been selected by Modern Healthcare magazine as one of the 2022 Best Places to Work in Healthcare.

It is each of our employees who make CarepathRx a great place to work! Their passion, dedication and commitment to service and patient care enable us to have a positive impact on those we serve.”
— John Figueroa, Chairman and CEO, CarepathRx

MERCER ISLAND, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 16, 2022 / -- CarepathRx, a leader in pharmacy and medication management solutions, has been selected by Modern Healthcare as one of the 2022 Best Places to Work in Healthcare, sponsored by Healthcare Plus Solutions Group. The complete list of

Treasure Investments Corp Turns Silver Investment Into Art Gold

Michael Sheppard raising his hands with audience participation mid presentation.

Treasure Investments Corp is set to unveil Michelangelo's Pure Silver Pietà July 13 at FreedomFest 2022 in Las Vegas

Michelangelo's Pieta in silver, the Virgin Mary Holding her deceased son Jesus Christ in her lap.

Treasure Investments Corp is set to unveil Michelangelo's Pure Silver Pietà July 13 at FreedomFest 2022 in Las Vegas

Foundry worker next to red wax David head that comes to his shoulders in height.

Treasure Investments Corp begins production of Michelangelo's David, photo features the red wax head in Florence, Italy authorized by Casa Buonarroti

We are casting a world of masterpieces and making art history every day.”
— Jason Dilling - President of Sales

BATTLE GROUND, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 16, 2022 / -- Treasure Investments Corporation (TIC) is a consistently expanding and scalable fine art company that specializes in sculpture from the most famous artists in history. On July 13th at The Mirage in Las

ZoomInfo and Bombora Settle Lawsuit

Confidential Agreement Paves the Way for Companies to Resume Working Together

WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 16, 2022 / -- ZoomInfo Technologies LLC (“ZoomInfo”) and Bombora, Inc. (“Bombora”) today announced that they entered a confidential agreement settling a lawsuit pending in the Supreme Court of the State of New York, County of New York, under the caption ZoomInfo Technologies LLC v. Bombora, Inc., Index. No. 652431/2020. The case concerned a years-long revenue sharing agreement between the parties, which terminated in early 2020, and various privacy-related claims. Terms of the settlement were not disclosed.

“ZoomInfo has achieved its leadership status by anticipating market needs and

CloudAtlas Simplifies and Speeds Migration of VMware to Azure VMware Solution

UnifyCloud Logo

Accelerate migration to the cloud with UnifyCloud

Leverage existing VMware investments while realizing the benefits of the Azure cloud.

Our CloudAtlas solution further simplifies the transformation, guiding and facilitating the process so organizations can get the most out of an AVS implementation faster than ever before.”
— UnifyCloud CTO and co-founder Vivek Bhatnagar

REDMOND, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 16, 2022 / -- UnifyCloud, a global ISV and cloud solutions provider specializing in accelerating and managing digital transformation and modernization, cybersecurity, compliance, and cost in the cloud, now helps organizations

FAA adopts ICAO 2027 emissions, noise rules; death knell for new production 767F, 777F

Prospect of a 787F or New Midmarket Airplane freighter to replace 767F emerges at Boeing

We look at a lot of different things in development and how to make sure we have a good medium widebody solution. Are we looking at different freighter platforms in that space? Absolutely.”
— Brian Hermesmeyer

BAINBRIDGE ISLAND, WA, USA, June 16, 2022 / -- The US Federal Aviation Administration yesterday announced it will adopt the emissions and noise rules proposed in 2017 to reduce emissions and noise in commercial jets and turboprops by 2027. Failure to comply means the offending airplanes can’t be produced from 2028. The rules won’t affect airplanes already produced.

The FAA’s move means that Boeing’s popular 767-300ERF and 777-200LRF can’t

Cleaning up for affordable housing on Bellingham Bay

Once contaminated by decades of use as storage for a paper mill byproduct called lignin, four acres of downtown Bellingham will soon be cleaned up and redeveloped into affordable housing, thanks to a partnership between us, the Port of Bellingham, and Mercy Housing Northwest.

The Port is proposing to clean up this area formerly used by Georgia-Pacific West, which we call the Lignin Operable Unit, by removing 13,600 tons of contaminated soil and

New biosolids permit boosts environmental protections and operational efficiencies

OLYMPIA – The Washington Department of Ecology’s updated biosolids general permit launches a more streamlined approach to approving biosolids operations across Washington. Biosolids are the rich organic matter left over after domestic sewage is treated at a wastewater management facility. 

The new permit is reorganized to reduce the time it takes to approve or deny proposals,

Seattle Gummy Company is Excited to become a Part of Target’s Online Marketplace

The Seattle-based functional gummy company is proud to announce that their high-loading caffeine gummy, Mocca Shots, is now carried nationally on

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 15, 2022 / -- Seattle Gummy Company (SGC) is proud to join Target’s lineup of health and wellness products. The Seattle-based gummy vitamin company has been working tirelessly to expand its product reach, and they’re proud to become a part of the Target offerings. As a startup company b, SGC’s partnership with Target presents them the opportunity to showcase the efficacy of their product to a large audience.

Over the past year, the Seattle Gummy Company has seen exponential growth as

Tax Credits and Discounts Help Snohomish County Residents Afford More Efficient Wood-Burning Stoves and Fire Features

Four Day Fireplace

Homeowners in Snohomish County can claim a federal tax credit for replacing an old biomass-fueled stove or fire feature with an efficient home heating source.

MAYSVILLE, WA, USA, June 15, 2022 / -- This year, Snohomish County residents have multiple opportunities to save on replacing an old, inefficient wood-burning fire feature.

U.S. consumers buying highly efficient wood stoves and larger residential biomass heating systems will be able to claim a 26% tax credit through Section 25D of the Internal

Numly launches two new features on its platform, NumlyEngage™, to simplify the Manager-led Coaching Experience

Numly launches two new features on its platform, NumlyEngage™, to simplify the Manager-led Coaching Experience

We are all visual learners to some degree. When you add videos to the Learning Journey, we fire all cylinders with engagement, effectiveness, authenticity, and inspired thinking.”
— Tilmin Hudson, Vice President of WW Sales - Numly, Inc.

BELLEVUE , WASHINGTON , USA, June 15, 2022 / -- Engaged employees are those who are involved in, enthusiastic about and committed to work, and their workplace. Engaged employees are invested in their workplace, want it to

Tuesday, June 14, 2022


The Marine Corps gave me so much throughout my career and I want to give back to our Military members in every way possible.”

OAK HARBOR, WASHINGTON, USA, June 14, 2022 / -- Charmaine Eggett is a dynamic, hard-working and enthusiastic Broker/Realtor at Island Premier Properties, LLC on Whidbey Island, Washington. She is also a United States Marine Corps Veteran.

Charmaine was born in Duquesne, Pennsylvania and graduated from

Washington Research Foundation announces $12.5M grant to Seattle Children's Research Institute

The largest single-program grant in the Foundation’s 40-year history will help launch new Invent at Seattle Children’s Postdoctoral Scholars Program

Seattle Children’s is poised to blaze a trail for other research institutions to follow.”
— Meher Antia, Ph.D., director of grant programs at WRF

SEATTLE, WA, USA, June 14, 2022 / -- Washington Research Foundation (WRF) today announced its largest single-program grant in its 40-year history, a $12.5 million dollar award to support the launch of the Invent at Seattle Children’s Postdoctoral Scholars Program at Seattle Children’s Research Institute (SCRI). The

Portland contractor fined $135,000 for repeated water quality violations at Ridgefield construction site

RIDGEFIELD – The Washington Department of Ecology has fined 1108 South Hillhurst Subdivision LLC $135,000 for repeated water quality violations, and failing to meet the requirements of the Construction Stormwater General Permit during construction work at the Vista Ridge PUD subdivision in Ridgefield.

The Portland-based contractor is being fined for repeatedly discharging polluted

Cosmopolis mill fined $18,000 for water quality violations


Water quality violations at the Cosmo Specialty Fibers (Cosmo) mill in Cosmopolis led to an $18,000 penalty from the Washington Department of Ecology. Pollution above permitted levels can negatively impact human health and the environment.

In January 2022, Cosmo exceeded the wastewater pollution limits set in the company’s water quality permit. The violation occurred due to a combination of heavy rain, system upsets, and a temporary disruption to certain parts of mill operations. As a result of these factors, the

Eighth Generation Wows With 2022’s Father’s Day Gift Guide

Inspired Native-designed collection highlights ways to show dads the love

SEATTLE, WA, UNITED STATES, June 13, 2022 / -- Eighth Generation unveils 2022’s Father’s Day Gift Guide, showcasing the year’s top Father’s Day gift options. The guide features Native-designed apparel, accessories, fine art, and other creations, including works by Eighth Generation Founder and CEO Louie Gong (Nooksack), as well as these Eighth Generation Inspired Native artists and collaborators:
• David Robert Boxley (Tlingit)
• Jared Yazzie (Navajo-Diné)

Parking Boss, Amenity Boss, and Luminous Residential are now under one new name: Community Boss™

Community Boss

Community Boss delivers parking, amenity, and mapping Proptech solutions to the apartment, HOA, and condo industries.

EVERETT, WA, USA, June 13, 2022 / -- Luminous Corporation is excited to launch its brand refresh! Today, they encompass their parking, amenity, and mapping solutions under a single company brand: Community Boss™.

“Because of the additional solutions

Monday, June 13, 2022

CWA, Microsoft announce labor neutrality agreement

Ground-breaking agreement will enable a new approach to corporate-union engagement after Microsoft’s acquisition of Activision Blizzard closes

WASHINGTON and REDMOND, Wash. – June 13, 2022 – Today the Communications Workers of America (CWA) and Microsoft announced they have entered into a ground-breaking labor neutrality agreement. The agreement will apply at Activision Blizzard beginning 60 days after Microsoft’s acquisition closes, and it reflects a fundamental belief by both organizations that enabling workers to freely and fairly make a choice about union representation will benefit Microsoft and its employees, and create opportunities for innovation in the gaming sector.

“This agreement provides a pathway for Activision Blizzard workers to exercise their


I earned my Military Relocation Professional (MRP) Certification because I wanted to be there for our Military families and Veterans to help them navigate their own moves.”
— Charmaine Eggett

WHIDBEY ISLAND, WASHINGTON, USA, June 13, 2022 / -- Charmaine Eggett is a dynamic, hard-working, and enthusiastic Broker/Realtor at Island Premier Properties in Whidbey Island, Washington. She is also a United States Marine Corps Veteran.

Charmaine was born in Duquesne, Pennsylvania, and graduated from

Experts Discuss New Report on Islamophobia, Anti-Muslim Hate

Bringing Faith and Policy Together

G20 Interfaith Forum

Prominent Muslim academics who work in the interfaith and anti-hate spaces will also share their perspectives on historical trends of Islamophobia in the West

From women having their hijabs ripped off to workplace racism and harassment, the study shows how prevalent everyday Islamophobia is in the country and provides policy recommendations.”
— Reyhana Patel, Islamic Relief Canada

WASHINGTON, DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, UNITED STATES, June 13, 2022 / -- The Anti-Racism Initiative of the G20 Interfaith Forum (IF20), the world’s leading organization focused on the intersection of faith and policy, is gathering world-renowned experts on Islam,

CyberSecurity Academy Announces Class on Exploiting Dark Web Intelligence

Average Dark Web Prices

CyberSecurity Academy Logo

Training on exploiting dark web intelligence will help organizations of all sizes to bolster security.

Businesses, government, and academia are all vulnerable to cybercrime threats - no one is exempt. Along with traditional intelligence sources, we should all be exploiting what the dark web offers.”
— Steve Hailey - President/CEO CyberSecurity Academy

SEATTLE, WASHINGTON, UNITED STATES, June 13, 2022 / -- CyberSecurity Academy, a best-in-class provider of custom digital forensics and cybersecurity services, announced today that they will be providing their live, online, Exploiting Dark Web Intelligence training class this month and that 10 paid