Thursday, February 27, 2025

Report Highlights the Success and Future Potential of Washington State’s Homelessness Prevention & Diversion Fund

Report finds WA State's Homelessness Prevention & Diversion Fund is supporting homeless youth. Of the 1,704 households served, 93% remain housed one year later.

The Homelessness Prevention Diversion Fund is proving to be a cost-effective, sustainable solution to address youth and young adult homelessness.”
— Jim Theofelis

SEATTLE, WA, UNITED STATES, February 26, 2025 / -- A report published by Northstar Advocates shines a spotlight on the impact of the Homelessness Prevention and Diversion Fund (HPDF) managed by the Washington State Office of Homeless Youth. Originally piloted in Pierce, Spokane, Walla Walla, and Yakima Counties, HPDF’s reach more than doubled in size and now operates in ten counties, including Clark, Clallam-Jefferson, Whatcom, Thurston, and Skagit.

The Fund assists youth and young adults to

quickly secure housing outside of the homelessness response system, usually in less than 72 hours. This model is faster and more cost effective than traditional homeless services. The average cost per household for HPDF services is $2,659, compared to $4,318 for emergency shelters.

Scaling Equitable Solutions for Youth Homelessness Prevention in Washington State highlights the impact of HPDF from May 2023 to May 2024, as well as its ongoing impact on the young people who have been served by the program since its launch in 2020. A total of 1,704 households were served, including more than 611 households during the 2023-2024 time period. Of the households that accessed the fund:

• 93% stayed stably housed one year later
• Two-thirds of recipients are from rural areas of Washington state
• 59% identified as Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPOC)
• Over 1 in 5 individuals identifies as LGBQ+
• 38% were pregnant and/or parenting
• 20% had a disability

“These results are in part due to actually asking young people to solve their housing situation rather than the system dictating to them where they will live and with whom,” said Jim Theofelis, founder and executive director of NorthStar Advocates and chair of the Washington State’s Office of Homeless Youth Advisory Board. “The data is promising but requires continued investment from the state to drive change at scale. The Homelessness Prevention Diversion Fund is proving to be a cost-effective, sustainable solution to address youth and young adult homelessness.”

According to the Washington State Department of Commerce, it is estimated that approximately 14,410 young people experienced homelessness in 2022, or 1 in 100 young people aged 10-24 in Washington. Washington was one of the few states to register a significant decline in youth and young adult homelessness just last year (almost 15%). Between 2016 and 2022, youth and young adult homelessness has decreased 40%.

HPDF brings together a young person and a trained community member to identify strategies for safe and stable housing. It also provides one-time financial assistance when needed. As a “centralized” fund, the money is held at the community level, allowing for broad access.

HPDF is a collaborative initiative funded by public and private partnerships, including the Washington State Department of Commerce’s Office of Homeless Youth and the Schultz Family Foundation.

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